I made it to Athens and met with my mom!!!  She flew all the way from El Salvador and had quite the connections (El Salvador- Hondur...



I made it to Athens and met with my mom!!! 
She flew all the way from El Salvador and had quite the connections (El Salvador- Honduras- Miami- Zurich- Athens!)  and 30+ hours travel journey door to door. 

I arrived a day earlier than her just to make sure I would be in Athens before she did and I could pick her up from the airport.

On our first day we took it “light” and walked around the city following the Rick Steve’s city walk from the book.
We started in Syntagma square and went over to the Parliament and saw the funniest looking guards I have ever seen! The guards of the Parliament wear white tights, skirts, and pom poms on their shoes! They look super duper silly but apparently their parents are super proud of them and it is an honor to dress like that and be a guard.

From the parliament we walked the pedestrian street of Ermou and it was like any other shopping street in any other country, shops, shops, shops and more of the same shops like H&M and big chain companies.   

At the end of the shopping street there is a cute little Orthodox church.

We kept walking and ended up in the cathedral and it was there when we started to notice that all the churches we have passed by were Orthodox. From there the walk took us on a smaller street and through the Orthodox shops where they make the priest’s tunics, hats, and all the decorations that go in the Orthodox churches! So interesting to see the big difference with the Catholic churches!

From then on we walked in the very touristy part of Athens! I had forgotten what touristy European towns look like! They sell souvenirs for miles and miles, there is everything you can imagine made in Greece: olive oil, olives, Olive oil soap, lucky eye charms, towels with Greece engraved, t-shirts from Greece, magnets, key chains, bracelets, clothes, wooden stuff made out of olive tree wood, leather sandals… You name it, they have it!

It is unbelievable the amount of shops that sell the exact same thing I can’t help but wonder how they are all making money!
I am not a shopper, at all, but with my mom I had to be patient (but I think if you asked her she would say I wasn’t) because she likes to look at stuff! And now that she is a grandma she stopped every time she saw a dress or a tiny pair of shoes, stared at them and said “awwww.”

Mom buying sponges for her baby grandchild! haha

The Acropolis up on top

Lunch was amazing!!!

My favorite part of the day was walking up through the little alleys of a Greek Island like neighborhood right under the acropolis overlooking Athens!

We ended the day by walking around Plaka, once again filled with many many many tourist shops.

A typical nut selling guy.

The following day we woke up early and headed to the Acropolis! I was glad to have the guide book so we were able to read a little bit about the history and construction of the Acropolis and the Parthenon!
I also enjoyed taking pictures! haha

At the Roman Theater!

Picture my mom took of me taking a picture

Picture that I took while my mom was taking a picture of me! haha

Photo by my mom! haha

Another Theater

Parthenon under construction 

Parthenon at the back!

Mom admiring the beauty of Acropolis

From there we went to yet another amazing lunch! And then for some ice cream, and then for some extra dessert! haha Greek food is so freaking delicious!

Amazing Greek Salad!

Just eat them! Don't think about the calories!

I had spanakopita every day!

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