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I love love love this article! nicely written and the details are incredible!!! I am glad my friend Abner Flores led me here! I just came back from two years around the world. As I read this I feel like I am reading an article that I wrote. We did a lot of the same stuff. I also kept spreadsheets on every expense, incredible! I lost everything though when I was robbed of all of my electronics in Cambodia :(. but whatever, just one bad day out of hundreds of great ones! I had a blast! traveling two years cost me a grand total of US$39,000! I only came back because I have to make more money before I go back out again ;). Thanks for all the info! I wish you the best in your continued journey around the world. Maybe we will meet someday and share some stories. Catalina (
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing a useful information.
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