I got to Latvia and unfortunately I was in a hurry to go to Russia to get to the Caucasus to get to Africa before it gets too hot! Ah!...




I got to Latvia and unfortunately I was in a hurry to go to Russia to get to the Caucasus to get to Africa before it gets too hot! Ah! what a tough life I have!
I have said before that every one creates the trip they want for themselves but rushing through countries is not my thing but this time I just had to... I am so looking forwards to Africa, although I'm a little scared!

On my two days I could barely see the town and for sure I didn't see much of the country, unless you count the 10 hours I spent crossing it by bus.

I stayed near the Old Town and it was very beautiful.

As soon as I got to the hostel I went out to explore and see what Riga had to offer. I planned my two days so I could take the free walking tour the morning before I had to leave. On my first day I went for a stroll on the less visited part of town and checked out the beautiful Art Nouveau District. 

From there I walked and walked and walked 

Then I went to the park to check out the giant monkey that Elizabeth had told me I just had to see, so here it is:
It's actually gigantic! The monkey represents the many animals used (or abused) by the Soviet Union in space exploration.
ha! I needed a selfie!

I put my map away and just wondered the streets and the park of Riga. 
So beautiful!

I am always surprised by the things I discover when I have no plans. While walking in the park I heard some music so I followed it and ended up in a "friends concert" by an UK choir  who was in Riga for the European choir games! The music was phenomenal! The kids were so good, such a good time!

The following day I went to the free walking tour where I got loads of info about Riga but we also got a whole to of water!!! 

They also love bubbles!

I ended my day by going to the Riga central Market, which is a UNESCO world heritage site, and the largest market and bazaar in Europe!
As a lover of supermarkets (I am looking at you whole foods!) I loved loved loved walking through the market, I especially loved the ladies selling spices! They literally had every single spice made in this world! 

Spice world!!! I love it!

After the market I went back to the hostel to hang out and I literally played 5 different games until 11pm with the Latvians that worked at the hostel and other guests. Now off to the land of #45... Russia! haha

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