Dubrovnik... or as I call it, the city with the most tourists eating gigantic ice creams! 

Moving on to Croatia... Dubrovnik!


Dubrovnik... or as I call it, the city with the most tourists eating gigantic ice creams! 

This little town is charming and all but the amount of people in it make it almost unbearable! This is a city that does not feel authentic at all, the whole place is full of restaurants, shops, and people trying to sell you Games of Thrones tours. For me this was the Santorini of medieval towns.

Entrance to the town

Could it get any more touristy than a guy dressed up holding a huge golden heart selling souvenir and a photo with him for one euro?!?!

The architecture of the city was of course beautiful, surrounded by stone walls and amazing churches and palaces, most of them renovated in the 1990s and 2000s after the break-up of Yugoslavia.

I had heard that it wasn’t really worth it to spend much time there (and that it was very expensive for a backpacker budget) so I spent a couple of hours and it was totally doable just to get a taste of it. I did wonder the littles alleys outside of the main touristy streets and it was better, it gave the city a more real feeling seeing kids walking to the music school and listening to the music coming out of it, or seeing people walking their dogs, or carrying groceries to their apartments.

Many people say that one must do the city wall walk but at a steep price of $22 for less than 2km I decided to skip it, instead I went on a hike to see Dubrovnik from up high.

Not much to say about this town... now off somewhere better... I hope!

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