I finally made it to Australia!!!!! My 6th continent!!! How exciting!!! The trip from door to door took 25.5 hours and I complet...


I'm in Australia!!!!


I finally made it to Australia!!!!! My 6th continent!!! How exciting!!!

The trip from door to door took 25.5 hours and I completely lost my tuesday!

I arrived at SFO to check in for my flight to LAX and surprise surprise… My Australian visa did not show up in the system and the lady at the domestic terminal could not check me in. She said that the passport didn’t show up and that the visa wasn’t there. She double checked my passport and I even showed her the print out and nothing.
I got to the hostel at around 9am, put my bag in the luggage room and off I went.

I usually get very anxious about these things but this time my body was calm, I was breathing in and out and thinking “Everything will be ok”  Pus I knew I still had 2+ hours until departure time.
I also knew I had the correct paper work and that I was going no matter what (even if it was a day later it was going to be ok… I have no schedule, no plans… Everything is fine!)

I then walked to the International terminal and the guy looked at me and said “You didn’t have to come all the way here, your visa is right here, you are now checked-in, your bag is going all the way to Melbourne, have a nice flight!”

Maybe it was the perfect beginning of my trip; I saw this event as the first proof that no matter what comes my way, it will solve itself at the end.

So here I am on my way to Australia… After a delayed flight of 1hr and ½ at SFO.

First things first… A glass of Champagne! YES!

The 15+ hour flight was beyond easy! I sat down, drank my champagne, watched a movie while eating dinner (and an ice cream sundae with caramel sauce!)  and then I made myself comfortable and within 2 hours of take off I was asleep! (There is nothing that I love more than sleeping. If you ask my best friends they will say that that is true! Just this past weekend I took a nap at H&M while my friend was shopping and later that night while at a bar I took a 40 mins nap at 1am! I think I woke up when they screamed “last call”… Oh My! I am getting old!)

By the time I woke up I only less than 4 hours left of the flight… 

I’m here… so exciting!!!!!!!

The border control was beyond easy, took maybe 30 seconds and my bag was one of the first 10 to come out. I exited the terminal and took the Sky bus for AUD19 and they even offer free transfer to your accomodation! Awesome!

My first hostel in AU... United Backpackers. Right on Flinders St, very central and clean!

First things first… SIM card! I always get one so I can be connected to my mom and she knows where I am! I think that’s the least I can do for her, with all my crazy traveling I like to keep her updated and send her pictures of what I am doing on a daily basis.

... Now off to explore Melbourne!!!! 

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