There is this island in Hiroshima called Miyajima, famous for the torii in the middle of the water so on my second day with my new friend H...



There is this island in Hiroshima called Miyajima, famous for the torii in the middle of the water so on my second day with my new friend Hannah we went to explore the beautiful island!

It was super cute to see Hannah super excited about Miyajima, she said it was a dream of hers to go to Miyajima so she kept saying "Today my dream is coming true!"

From the JR station we took a Ferry over to the island and as we approached it we could see the tori floating in the middle of the ocean. Once we landed we started walking and noticed that just like in Nara there were hundreds of deer all around!!!
In nara I saw this deer come from behind and grab a map out of a boy's hands and started eating it, here the same thing happened!!! These deers are not very bright!!!

We continued walking through streets full of yummy food, here is Hannah buying an oyster on top of a rice paddy.

While we walked we saw some people offering boat rides to the torii and at first we said no but then we found a boat for $10 and we could wear the traditional Asian pointy hats so... We said yes!! haha

The ride was actually a lot of fun although we had no idea what the guide was saying because everything was in Japanese (Hannah speaks Chinese) and a lady tried to translate and told us today we wouldn't be able to walk to the torii because of the moon, that it wouldn't be possible for the next two weeks! I thought it was so strange because the tide goes up and down every single day but still I chose to believe her and was a little disappointed! haha

Wearing the pointy hats! :)

We found the Torii!!!

After our exciting paddle to the torii we proceeded to look at the torii from all the possible angles!!!

And look... the water did go down and we were able to walk up to the torii!!! yay!

When I walked right next to the torii I saw that there were so many coins stuck to the pillars, maybe people put them there or toss them for good luck!

We also visited the Itsukushima Shrine; the guide from the boat said that it usually takes about 2-3 hours to get in because of the long lines but that today was a good day with not too many tourists so we went and got in immediately.
The Shrine was a bright red and looked really beautiful floating on top of the water.

 All throughout Miyajima there were little artists sketching and painting! I loved seeing how the whole family would sit there and wait for their kids to paint.

More Japanese brides... I still don't know how their make up is not melting! We were sweating, it was so humid, I could barely take it!

When we finished walking around the shrine we decided to go find something to eat and while we were going up the stairs we found our other roommate, Shasha, and we all went together for lunch!

After lunch we got some matcha shaved ice with condensed milk and sweet red beans inside... so refreshing!!!!

After lunch we walked back down and while I was waiting for Hannah I saw a roommate I had in Kyoto... how random! Then, later that night Shasha and I went back to the A Dome to take night pictures, we got off the tram, walked over the bridge, and stood next to the one person there... it happened to be her again!!! Both times I invited her to join us but both times she said no... I guess some people really just like to be on their own!

By 3pm I was melting and so uncomfortably hot I just wanted to leave!!!! Good thing we found the shaded shopping street and bought a mango smoothie! I was so happy!!!

And our new friend bought us some fried rice paddy with red beans inside... yums!

 ... and I found a Torii with hello kitty!

Miyajima was super fun but after a couple of hours walking around it I really needed a shower!

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