I arrived in Hiroshima mid day and of course I put my bags away and headed to the street. There really isn't much to see or do in Hir...



I arrived in Hiroshima mid day and of course I put my bags away and headed to the street.

There really isn't much to see or do in Hiroshima other than visiting the A-Bomb dome and the museum so I headed there. With map in hand and a couple of yens I took the tram and was there in no time.

The A-Bomb dome is the one building that is still up in Hiroshima and shows the devastation of the atomic bomb. It is really sad to see and read what happened back then but it is also impressive how the city has overcome such a terrible event and built itself up. Hiroshima is now called the peace city and they have created the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.

All around the Peace Memorial Park I found chains of peace cranes, mostly made from kids, to promote peace and make sure an event such as Hirsohima doesn't happen again!

There is even huge display cases with art made out of peace cranes... Look! It's Obama!!

I then headed to the museum to read up a little bit more about the war.

The museum was very graphic and displayed close to no history about  the war. It was a little disturbing walking in there because they showed pictures of  burnt people, pieces of skin and nails found... It was not what I had in mind and I was cringing a lot of the time.

The best part of the museum was when I walked out and on the alley leading to the exit there were big cardboard posters telling a little bit more about the war and what lead to the Atomic bomb being dropped in Hiroshima.

President Obama was in Hiroshima earlier this year and there was a display with his letter and an origami peace crane that he made.

Here's the view from the museum... The whole Peace memorial park from the museum all the way to the dome!

The dome at night is very beautiful!

To get back to the hostel I decided not to take the tram back but to walk along one of their famous roads. I was impressed to see that it had a roof over the whole shopping area. The weirdest part was that at intersections cars would go through the shopping area and if you weren't paying attention a car could just hit you!

SO many people!!!

  Hiroshima at night!!!!

Japanese people love Karaoke and you can find them pretty much anywhere! You go and rent a room and go in with your friends and sing all night long!

A weird store that I did not like was the pet store! They had tons of cats and dogs for sale in tiny little cages that would make it really hard for them to move! I even saw a dog eat its own poop! :(

 In one of the stores I saw a little Kitten for sale for Â¥800,000 meaning $8,000!!!! FOR. A. CAT! That's crazy BUT you can get a loan for Â¥22,300 per month for a 3 year loan!!! WHAAAAT?!? Crazy!!!!! You would have to pay $223 a month for 3 years to own a cat! I just couldn't believe what I was reading!!! In the US you can lease a brand new car for less than a cat in Japan!!

 After all the walking I was starving so I went to try the traditional Okonomiyaki from Hiroshima!!!! I went to one of the restaurants that was suggested by the hostel but I couldn't figure out which one in was since I had the name in English and not in Japanese.  I walked into a 7Eleven and asked if they could write the name in Japanese so I could match it but instead the cashier left 7eleven and brought me to the restaurant... These people are just the kindest!

 I sat in the restaurant all by myself at the bar in front of the cooks and then another girls sat right next to me; we started talking and we figured out that we were staying in the same hostel... and in the same room! We soon became good friends and made plans to visit Miyajima together!

On another night I went out for dinner with my roommate Shasha to Okonomi-Mura, which is an Okonomiya building.. every single floor is filled with tons of Okonomiyaki restaurants! Even the stairs have little Okonomiyaki drawings! so funny!!

On the last day since I had an afternoon train to Fukuoka my friend Shasha and I decided to go check out the botanical gardens and the Hiroshima Castle!

The botanical Gardens were so cute! and probably my favorite garden in Japan!
There we saw two couples getting their wedding pictures taken! So beautiful!!!!
The garden was  very peaceful

When we were walking towards the exit we crossed a bridge and saw a lady and her husband feeding the Koi fish in the lagoon! It was very cool to see so many koi coming to get food!

 Here are the bride and groom! haha their traditional outfits are very fancy!
It was so so so so hot and humid I have no idea how her make up was staying on even with a lady fanning her the whole time!

Here's the Hiroshima castle! It was destroyed after the atomic bomb so this is a replica of the original one! The castle was just like any other castle so I skipped visiting it, the outside looked very nice though! haha

And here we are with some of my roommates!!!

Now off to Fukuoka for a night before I head into South Korea!!!!!

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