After 2 days in Kigali I decided to keep on moving and visit Kibuye, a town in lake Kivu. I left my host’s house after breakfast an...


Kibuye (Rwanda)


After 2 days in Kigali I decided to keep on moving and visit Kibuye, a town in lake Kivu. I left my host’s house after breakfast and headed to the bus station where once again it felt like I was actually in Africa, lots of guys came to me wanting me to go with a specific bus company to Kibuye.
After I made my choice of bus I got my ticket and got on the bus which left right on time… and half empty!
My favorite part of Kibuye wasn’t Kibuye, but the way there!

The scenery was just spectacular, everywhere I looked was green, it reminded me a little bit of Sri Lanka and the Philippines with the only difference that this time I couldn’t stick my head out of the window and let my hair go crazy (Rwandans don’t seem to like the wind on their faces and kept asking me to close the window! haha)

I usually sleep on the bus but this one was impossible, my eyes were wide open looking at how beautiful Rwanda was; there were mountains and hills as far as my eyes could see! There were more bananas plantations that anywhere else in the world I had been!
The cleanliness of the place blew my mind! Did you know... In Rwanda every month the whole country gets a Saturday off and everybody (except Presbyterians, they get Sunday) goes on the streets and lakes to clean up the rubbish! How amazing is that?!

Kids taking a rest from picking up wood!

 When we drove by towns, they were all very organized, quiet, clean, and very empty! It felt quite strange to see that not all city were bursting with people and shops, and 

One of the many towns we passed by.

Forget boda bodas, here people get bike rides!

All throughout the ride I saw tons of people carrying so many things on top of their head! These people are so strong, couldn't help but think that I would probably last a day if I had to do as much work as they do.

He is not even wearing shoes!

After an hour or so I finally was able to see lake Kivu, that meant that we were close! yeay!

Rwandans only ride their bikes down hill and on flat streets, then they push it up!

Once I arrived in Kibuye I had to look for a place to sleep so I walked to Home Saint Jean, where I found a dorm for $8/ night with breakfast included and a pretty awesome view!

Amazing scenery!
I spent most of my time in Kibuye seating taking in the view but also managed to walk around but very early on I figured out there was nothing to do in Kibuye!

Lots of genocide memorials all over town.

At the hostel I met Simone, Salla, and Vishnu and we all decided to move together to Gisenyi. I had heard that there was a ferry going to Gisenyi twice a week so we decided to take it and enjoy a nice ride on the lake. I asked the reception to call four boda bodas to take us to the ferry stop and off we went!

Salla and Simone getting on their bikes!

We were dropped off on the side of the lake and they said that that's where the ferry picks up people but somehow we found it strange that nobody was there. We tried to ask but in the end we ended up seating where people told us to and waited, waited, and waited. A local guy came and sat next to us and started chatting. After a while another guy came and said that the ferry wasn't coming. To be honest I didn't believe him because I get told all the time that the bus or the train or the ride isn't coming so I go with them. We all mutually agreed to keep waiting. After some time a local lady joined us so we were sure the other guy was lying to us about the ferry not coming. After a little longer another guy came and said that the ferry wasn't coming... ummm... maybe this wasn't a trick! Then the lady left so we decided it was time for us to go too!

Waiting for the ferry!

To be completely honest we were a little confused on what to do so we started walking and I think we were all a little annoyed to have to pay for another bike back to where we started but all of a sudden a pick up truck came so I put my thumb out, asked for a ride, and we all jumped into the back!

Within 5 minutes we were at the bus station with a  ticket to Gisenyi!

Matatu selfie!

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