The excitement of being home lasted.... 10 days!!! haha I was sure I was not going to travel for a bit but then my cousin asked me to go...

San Blas (Panama)


The excitement of being home lasted.... 10 days!!! haha
I was sure I was not going to travel for a bit but then my cousin asked me to go visit her in Panama so  I looked at tickets and off I went...

Getting to Panama was... nerve-racking!
In El Salvador easter is a big thing and I decided to go to Panama on the thursday right before good friday. The tradition is that one goes to the beach during the holidays so my mom and I decided we would go to the beach wednesday and since we are only 20mins away from the airport it would be easier.

My flight was at 7:30pm so we left at 5:30pm thinking it would be totally fine... IT WASN'T!
I didn't take into consideration the massive amount of people that would be leaving the beach to go back to San Salvador at 5pm!
We left the beach house and there was so much traffic! like crazy crazy not even moving traffic!
At first I thought it would be ok but as time went by and we weren't moving much I started to get nervous and so did my mom and my aunt!

I became an even crazier driver with my mom screaming next to me to just cut everybody! While everybody stood in one line I drove in the opposite lane cutting tons of traffic and then cutting in front of people to get into the lane... I was desperate! My mom even lowered the window and apologised to a biker!

When we thought we were finished with traffic it got even worse! My aunt was sure I was going to miss my flight! My mom was still screaming to cut everybody left and right and saying that she should be the one driving!

Then my angels appeared!!! In the form of a  police motorcycle followed by 3 police cars and then a van and then another 3 police cars and another motorcycle. They had their sirens on and they were cutting all the traffic by going in the opposite lane! My mom said that was my chance if I didn't want to miss my flight! She kept screaming "pegatele, pegatele" (stick by them, stick by them) I was nervous, she kept screaming that she should be driving because I was too slow!!!!!! It was madness!!!

I literally skipped a good 40 mins of traffic by illegally following a line of police cars at full speed! The good thing? I just made it to the airport! The airport was empty, I didn't have to wait for a single soul! I flew by both the security checks and I ran to my gate, got on the bus that drove me to the airplane and was finally on my way to Panama!!!

The next day at 5am we were picked up by our car to take us to San Blas islands!!!!

I get motion sickness so I had sent my cousin to get me some pills although she said the boat ride wasn't that bad! SHE LIED! The boat ride was horrible! That boat jumped up and down, we got water all over us, but it was all worth it!!!

Our first stop was the Aguja island.
Super beautiful clear waters but full of people!

As we walked around it we were able to find some spots without people!

The worst selfie ever!

For lunch we were taken to our accommodation:

The poor people's Maldives! haha
No vegetarian food so I got some fried fish!

And then back on the boat! We could see so many islands all around.

Our next stop wasn't quite an island but a shallow pool where we found some starfish!

From there we went to our next island: Perro grande.
This island was a bigger and also had a lot of people in it. Since it is an island where people can spend the night there were a lot of tents all around.

Listening to the ocean
Manu found himself a hammock... and a photographer!

After a full day soaking up the sun we headed back to our little Maldives looking huts...

Not so much Maldives anymore!!!
The island attached to our huts!

That night the menu called for Lobster!!!

The next day my cousin and I woke up extra early to watch the sunrise...

ohh... Sun is going up...

Wasn't very exciting 

After breakfast we went back on the boat and off to explore two more islands for the day before heading back to Panama City!

First stop: Perro chico!

Once again a stop full of people!

The cool thing about this island is the "barco hundido" (sunken ship) that is within swimming distance from the shore. We got to snorkel and check out the sunken ship.

After a full morning in Perro Chico we visited Fragata island!

Lots of little shops from the Kuna people, the natives of San Blas islands!

Kuna lady bringing us lunch.  She is wearing the traditional Kuna attire.

Beads up to their knees!
The coolest thing about Fragata island was that we could walk through the shallow water to the next island!

Some locals carrying wood from the little island to Fragata!

Our time in San Blas was short but enough for a non-beach lover. Now, time to Explore Panama City!

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