What a fun summer I had in 2015! Met two friends in London and travelled together to Scotland and Ireland. Then, I headed to Scandinavi...

What a fun summer I had in 2015!
Met two friends in London and travelled together to Scotland and Ireland. Then, I headed to Scandinavia by myself and finished in Germany!

My wish come true!!!!! I finally made it to India for a spectacular 5 weeks! http://andreaisinindia.blogspot.com/2014/12/on-my-wa...

My wish come true!!!!!
I finally made it to India for a spectacular 5 weeks!

My 7 week journey through South America! http://andreassouthamericaadventure.blogspot.com/2014_06_01_archive.html

Journey through South East Asia in 2013!  I visited Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos , and Thailand. http://andreafinallyinasia.blogspot.co...

Journey through South East Asia in 2013! 
I visited Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos , and Thailand.


Here is my blog from my trip to Africa from 2013 http://andreatravelstoafrica.blogspot.com/2013/07/i-love-africa.html

Here is my blog from my trip to Africa from 2013


I am exactly 50 days away from dropping everything and going on my one-year journey around the world!!! I am so super excited but ner...

I am exactly 50 days away from dropping everything and going on my one-year journey around the world!!!

I am so super excited but nervous too! I will have to pack up everything in the US after 13 years and leave with one bag and my backpack! ahhh! scary! but I bet it will be worth it!

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